Thursday, June 16, 2011

Evaluating the resources we have pt 2

1 Corinthians 3:11 "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ."

Here is a suggested list in the possible order we could put them:

• We must start with ourselves. What gifts and talents do we have and what is the passion of our hearts? Then we should evaluate our strengths. What are we good at, and what do we like doing most? When our gifts and passion coincide, it is very powerful. We must be honest with ourselves in this.
• Next, we list and then assess our motives, goals and objectives before the Lord. Do they bless and honour the Lord and other people? For Brian, this whole adventure of Foundations for Farming started when the Lord showed him that he was dishonouring Him because He knew that by growing tobacco, he was supplying a poisonous substance for many people.
• Next assess your work force. If you are single, it might be just yourself. If you are married this will involve your family, even if it is only your wife and yourself. What output and productivity levels does your team, individually and together, have? If you employ hired workers, are you capable of paying them, as well as training and equipping them in a proper way?
• Next assess the land that you have in terms of size, soils, slopes, distance from where you live, arable area available, water sources and their proximity.
• Next assess the climate at your locality in terms of rainfall totals and distribution patterns, temperatures, humidity levels, winds, evaporation rates etc.
• Next assess what crops and commodities would be suitable to produce in those conditions, firstly in terms of yield, quality and their reliability in the expected weather patterns.

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